Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Digital Art

                                                       Fallow Deer Stags

I have heard a lot about digital art with iPods and other software being used so I was given some digital art software called DP Painter so I thought I would give it a go. This software can be used in with different medium and artist styles so to begin with I though I would choose one of my natural history photographs and choose Watercolour.

I then let my computer do all the work whilst having a mug of coffee and a biscuit. After fifteen minutes the final piece of work was produced.

Do I like it..ummm I'm not to sure, perhaps you could say how you feel by leaving me a comment.. As a photographer and a beginner working with acrylics I feel the finished item is neither a painting or a photograph....over to you for your comments


  1. It you are using software which has an autopainting facility chances are it will allow you to create layers which will allow you to use digital brushes to paint on them. Try painting in some feature on the top left side which will balance the composition. It's worth cropping the image and concentrate on painting the stags heads. If you try this save the cropped image with a different name or you will lose your original. Good luck.

  2. I will give this a try Robert, I am familiar with working in layers as I do this with my photographs..
